Sunday, April 26, 2009


Which do you like better?

Draft 1

Caprica is a new TV show set to debut fall but those of us savy enough to know how, can see it right now... for a price.  I got my copy off Netflix but if you aren't willing to wait through the que you can purchase it where ever fine DVD's are sold or from your friendly digital download dealer.

That being said I highly recommend you check Caprica out.  It is a character driver show with a scifi twist.

Draft 2

Caprica, a new TV show set to debut next fall was released as a DVD on April 21 in an effort to build buzz and hopefully make some cash to stimulate the budget of the first season.  I got the movie on Netflix (snail mail no online streaming as of yet) and to get right to the point, I was extremely impressed.  Strong characters were matched by impressive visuals and even though I have a strong feeling of where this show is headed in 58 years I think I’m going to be surprised by the journey it takes to get there.


Yes this is in fact a prequel series to Battlestar Galactica 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I know what a concept...

I'm thinking I'll probably write mostly about TV or media in general (more new than old).... feel free to post comments.  

I watch a lot of TV, some shows I like, some shows I love, some shows my wife makes me watch...  Look forward to entries on current shows like, Lost, House, Terminator the Sarah Conner Chronicles, Heroes, Fringe, Friday Night Lights, How I Met Your Mother, The Office, and 30 Rock.  Hopefully I'll be able to go back and write about finished favorites like Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Alias, Battlestar, and others.

Also I'm a big Podcast fan, so maybe I'll do some reviews on some of my favorites... 

Anyway lets see if I update this past entry 1!

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