When this episode started I was ready to be pissed. I knew that the observer we were following in this episode was not the observer we were familiar with and I was annoyed that they could not get the actual actor for the big episode featuring his character. Thankfully, Olivia noticed that it was not the same observer as well, and from there this hour of TV veered into much more interesting territory.
I guess the title of this episode could have been "An Observer in Love" though it might have given away a bit too much. How vane are the observers that causing the death of one of them makes a person important? Though I guess they cannot be vane if they do not feel emotion. Of course if August felt love maybe the others can feel vanity.
I'm glad they writers of Fringe decided to remind the audience that Olivia has a family but I was expecting someone to kidnap her niece the entire episode. Speaking of people this show has introduced and then forgotten about, what happened to that FBI agent that helped Peter when Olivia was out of commission? It seemed like she might be set up to be Charlie's replacement as Fringe divisions go to back up person but she only showed up in that one episode.
The fact that Peter can fire the observer's gun has something to do with inter dimensional citizenship. The FBI might as well just let him keep it. I really thought Walter might tell Peter about his true identity this time around. Sadly, I guess it's just going to have to come out in some ugly unexpected way.
The Massive Dynamic mad scientist continues to be a terrific addition to this series. Please keep giving that guy something to do! I find him infinitely more interesting than Nina "it's cool if we clone a few kids and drive them mad" Sharpe.
Now that Walter is in possession of August's notebook I feel like the writers have opened a Pandora's box of plot lines. Walter could translate a few key symbols and send our gang on a mission to stop a future event from happening. It could go along the lines of Daddy Winchester's journal sending Sam and Dean on all kinds of adventures in the Supernatural universe.
It seemed like a lot happened but I can't think of anything of consequence other than the older observer remarking that it was a shame that Olivia's life was about to get so hard.