Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Lost: What Kate Does

First off kudos to the Lost crew on a fantastic title for this episode.  I love that Sayid seems to still be Sayid, at least temporarily.  I'm impressed that Claire became the French woman, though I'm not sure how it is that she did not flash through time with the rest of the 815 group.  I'm happy that Dogan is speaking English with more regularity.  But most of all I'm thrilled that Jack admitted he has a problem.  He screamed that he was unable to trust Dogan because he can't even trust himself and I'm hoping that this intense moment will allow Jack to be the man he is capable of becoming.  Not the shell of a man he's been since the flash forward at the end of season 3.  

It would seem that the off island action is not a fever dream as I had originally theorized.  That being said the flash sideways (as the Lost creators apparently refer to them) must have some value or influence on the on island world.  This time around we got Ethan as Dr. Goodspeed which I found amusing and reassuring.  If Ethan exists after the island blew up that means that it's likely that Ben, Juliet, and other Others exist as well.  

Perhaps Ben was evacuated when Pierre Chang got all non-essential personnel off the island.  Juliet would have never come to the island, though she may still be chained to a job she loathes  with her ex-husband.  It's also likely that Juliet never fixed her sister.  I say this because right before Juliet found the formula that worked to fix her sister we saw Ethan, and it's possible that he nudged her cure in the right direction.  

It's amazing to see how Sawyer has evolved over the course of these six seasons from the con man no one could trust to the one guy that the audience can easily identify with and care about.    His scene on dock with the ring was so intense and I hope that he finds Juliet before this is all over.

That brings me to my "A Lost Divided Cannot Stand" theory.  These two realities are on an intercept course, not collision course.  At some point in 2007 something will happen on the island which will open a door.  That door will allow characters a brief window to decide which reality would make them happier and they will choose to go through or stay.  I believe this because of all the little moments of "knowing" that Jack had last episode coupled with the moment when Kate looked at Jack across the road this episode and knew him briefly. 

My theory of the island has changed a bit after some heavy thought on how it relates to the rest of the world.  I used to be of the belief that the Egyptian artifacts were all there because the Egyptians found the island first.  I now believe that the people of the island or the island itself reached out to pre-Egyptian people in Tunisia and taught them hieroglyphics and pyramid building.  

Take a look at the Djoser pyramid which is the first pyramid ever built in Egypt.  Then compare that to the Others Temple, notice both have six levels and are built with smaller bricks than the giant pyramids at Giza.  

The problem with this theory is the fact that pyramids are places of burial in Egypt and on the island the temple is more like the center of town for the Others.  What if Smokey the Nemesis is buried in the temple?  What if that is the home he wants to get back to?  Maybe if Smokey gets himself back to the temple he can then travel to Tunisia and begin to have influence on the wider world once again.


Anonymous said...

So you think Claire has become what's her name???? Danielle? I didn't think that at all.

Sensyden said...

I was thinking of Claire more as the spiritual successor to Danielle. Not Danielle reborn exactly. Though if that turns out to be the case I'm going to pretend that's what I meant!

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