Saturday, March 6, 2010

Caprica: Know Thy Enemy

This episode was not the strongest of the series thus far, but it was not a disappointment either. The STO should have charismatic leadership considering they easily are turning privileged Caprican youths into suicide bombers. Barnebas seemed as though he could be the inspiring if evil leader but I'm certainly not on his fanwagon just yet, even if he is played by James Marsters. Sister Clarice is not my favorite character on this show and "Know Thy Enemy" featured her prominently.

The only thing they could have done to make Clarice less interesting would be to put her in a room with Amanda Greystone and that is exactly what they did in this episode. The best part about the Amanda, Clarice interaction was the cameo appearance by the BSG drink of choice "Ambrosia". I guess it did further the plot considerably, the STO now has access to all of Daniel's government intel, or they may actually have stolen it off his computer, as opposed to simply copying it, I was 100% clear on that.

It has been a long time since we have heard Zoe speak and this week she finally made contact with someone in the real world other than Lacy. Fortunately for her, she has found a way to contact human's without scaring the pee out of them in sentient killer robot form. Philomon is walking on the edge of a knife and he does not even know it.

I find it interesting that some people in V World make their avatars look like celebrities or otherwise famous people often enough forPhilomon to buy Zoe's lie about her true identity. At this point I cannot decide if Zoe is trying to use Phil towards a greater goal or if she simply finds him interesting enough to pass the time with.

Joseph got the information he needed about the boy that can lead him to Tamara. I hope that means we will get significantly more of New Cap City! The white washed version of V World that comes packaged with the Holoband is not nearly as interesting as the hacked worlds. It was fun to see Daniel Greystone as a computer program informing Joseph he could get fined for attempting to visit the unauthorized programs.

The highlight of this episode, however, has got to be the introduction of Virgis. Daniel crossed a line when stole the chip from Virgis Corporation and he is going to pay for his transgression. There is something so primitive and admirable about the way the Turon's tell their life story in ink on their bodies. It truly make these people seem larger than life. When Virgis had his elbow in Greystone's face I thought he was going to knock Daniel out cold. Then I realized that displaying the tatoo itself was enough of a threat and Virgis sent his message loud and clear.

What else does Daniel love? Virgis hit it on the head with the Caprica Buccaneers, but we have already seen Amanda in serious danger so I doubt the show will take us in that route again. In any event, whatever Virgis decides Daniel loves is truly in for some trouble.

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