Monday, October 18, 2010

Caprica: Retribution

Sir Arthur C. Clark once said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” I would like to extend the good sir’s quotation one step further and say that any sufficiently impressive magic is indistinguishable from religion. Clarice Willow is attempting to spin Zoe’s magic into an afterlife that her followers can taste, smell, touch, and truly live eternally in, at least until the Cylons destroy the servers.

This was a bloody and depressing episode of Caprica. While I usually do not turn to this show for high comedy I expect a moment or two per episode that is not the emotional equivalent of beating puppies to death with kittens. Basically an appearance from Surge in which he offered Sam and Joe a glass of fruit punch while they were trying to get Daniel to more effectively blackmail a board member would have gone a long way to ease some of the tension.

What happened to Clarice’s plural marriage? I think the man she brought with her on the killing spree was one of her husbands, but why is she living in a cabin with Amanda?

Why would Clarice not kill Lacy unless she feels that Lacy can still lead her to Zoe. Speaking of, how are they going to show us that scene at the end of last week’s episode and not give us more of Zoe the Dead Walker this week. Two minutes in New Cap City is all I ask.

Why does the entire Caprican police department think Clarice is not worth investigating? How does the one guy who is on to her become a professional pariah because his partner does not agree with him? Considering the evidence he presented to Amanda I am appalled that he is unable to get his superiors to arrest Clarice, sure it is circumstantial but it would be enough to hold a suspect on Law and Order for at least 24 hours.

I was glad to see Amanda has put together all her Clarice Willow puzzle pieces now that the Caprican police officer showed her the picture on the box. I was completely thrilled when she grabbed a gun to kill Clarice. I am willing to reserve judgment as to whether or not I care that she will be a double agent for a rouge Caprican police officer.

This episode was presented in an extremely annoying fashion. What was with the repeated scenes and dialogue? At least when the board member killed himself they placed a commercial break between the scene retreads. It was simply unbearable when Amanda was shown reflecting on the conversation she had with the officer seconds after she had it.

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