That was an excellent episode of television. I know I have been slacking when it comes to writing about Fringe over the past month but I felt I needed to write about 6B. Walter slipped into his mean grandfather defensive patterns that we have not seen since early in season one. Which is actually warranted because he pulled a case file all the way back from episode two or three. While the Fringe team has not spoken about the ZFT in a long time it would seem that the followers of that line of thought provided Walter with the ingredients to “Amber”.
Olivia and Peter had finally had their big moment, good for them, I wonder if it is going to be enough to save the blue universe (red is them, blue is us). The team of Peter and Olivia was able to stop the use of Amber. They approach problems much differently than Walter, in any universe. It would now seem that all the Fringe team has to do to save the world is some very good grief consoling.
Have the Observers (I still believe they are the first people) rid themselves of all emotion because they know that strong emotional connections are what can rip the universe to shreds?
Nina and Walter had a really nice moment. Why has she not told anyone that she personally knows the author of the First People book? Why have we not met Nina’s double in the other universe? Walter referred to Brandon as, “that nervous fellow Brandon”.
According to Peter, a considerable amount of time has passed since our last episode in the blue verse. Why is Folivia not showing any signs of pregnancy? Why is she still going out on possibly dangerous missions with a bun in the oven? Who does she think she is, Sydney Bristow?
In all seriousness, the realization that a more humane way exists to fix proto-vortexes proves a lot. It proves that Walternate is not infallible and that perhaps both universes can co-exist.
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