During the last commercial break I turned to my wife and noted that the camp fire scene at the beginning of the hour was there only to give some of the main cast a chance to show up in an episode. I was not upset I was simply impressed. How amazing must a show be for it to focus an entire episode of the final season on a periphery player and manage to deliver on character development and mythology progression?
Richard has always been an enigma on the island. What made him eternal? Why was he Jacob's right hand? How did he get to the island? All questions answered tonight. Richard does not age because he asked Jacob to make it so he would never die. Richard was important to Jacob because he convinced Jacob that someone needed to act as a balance to the "Man in Black". Richard got to the island because Jacob brought him there on the "Black Rock".
The Smoke Monster/Man in Black/Un-Locke/My Friend/Man-in-Locke is evil according to Jacob. While Jacob is evil according to Smokey. Smokey told Richard that Jacob is the devil (which is true if you watch Supernatural) and sent him on a mission to slay Lucifer. I am fairly certain that the knife Smokey gave to Richard was the same knife that Sayid used on My Friend and later Dogan's interpreter.
Neither Smokey or Jacob is the devil. That settled, Jacob was The Man in Black's jailer and with him dead the Smoke Monster may soon be free to roam about the world. Which would be disastrous considering how many people would bow down and pray to an eternal being made of smoke. Think of how many pyramids My Friend would have built in his honor. At the very least he would have ton of followers on Twitter.
I guess this episode proved that Richard does not belong in the real world. Richard had no flash sideways because Richard does not exist without the island.
Illana was told Richard would have the answers and I hope for the sake of everyone on the island that he finds them soon. I am fairly certain that Hurley was told by Jacob and not Isabella that Richard was to stop the Man in Black from leaving the island but that does not make the request any less important or valuable.
It would seem as the though the candidates, Richard, Illana, Frank, and Ben should meet up with Widmore on Hydra Island. Though based off what we learned in this episode the Smoke Monster is truly eternal and cannot be killed.
The captain of the Black Rock was Magnus Hanso and you can bet that he is related to Alvar Hanso who happened to be the financial backer of the Dharma Initiative. Why did Richard allow for the complete genocide of the Dharma Initiative? Why did Richard call for the murder of the US soldiers in the 1950's? Jacob is a hands off deity but if Richard thought he was going to hell for one murder he should have at least had a second thought or two about killing dozens.
Who created the rules of the island? Why is it that the Man in Black could not kill Jacob? If the island is a prison for Smokey, I doubt it has any real power to create rules. Therefore, who is Jacob's boss?
Good analysis Steve. We can discuss tomorrow at length at "Lost Lunch" I told Amy my theory today that the two men are brothers. Amy said, "Jacob and Esau" or "Cain and Abel"? We weren't sure if Sarah (mother of Jacob and Esau) was insane or not - amy remembered something about the pillar of salt - as you can see my Bible study leaves a lot to be desired!
sounds like Lisa is talking about me behind my back. . .but in front of me. . .mental note, don't say anything to Lisa unless you want it published on Steve's blog...
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