Saturday, May 16, 2009

Whoot Watch Part 2

I’ve lost count of what hour it is but let’s see if we can run through the highlights. After I last checked in, Jordan woke up from her nap and Jonny finished Jedi. Immediately upon completion of Jedi we walked to the park. We did this because Jonny found my PS3 game “Killzone 2” and said he’d like to play it to which I responded that’s for adults and it is very boring. “I yike boring stuff” retorted my nephew.

So Kim smartly distracted him with the park. Jonny learned to climb on the monkey bars. The little dude completed all five monkey bars like a fraking gymnast. In order to psych himself up before climbing across he chanted, “You can do this, you can do this, you’re a Jedi, you’re a Jedi." I have a cell phone video, it’s hilarious.

When we returned from the park we put Benji in the backyard and went to Nifty Fifty’s for food and fun. Jonny drank his milkshake so fast that he got an ice cream headache. Then Jordan punched me repeatedly in the face while I tried to feed her a hotdog. After our meal we took them into the game room where we put them into the moon bounce. In the moon bounce Jonny threw himself over and over again into the mesh walls in order to hit me in the face… Notice a pattern with these kids?

Then we took them to Shoprite and they complained that they were tired and wanted to go home. Well, Jonny complained, Jordan pooped and cried a lot so we just inferred. As soon as we returned home Jordan went right to bed and I put “Titan AE” on for Jonny. “Titan AE” is an animated Star Wars rip off but Joss Whedon has a writing credit so like I said Jonny has great taste in movies.

Finally we drugged Jonny with some allergy medication. Then Kim read him “You’re All My Favorites” and I read him “Oh the Places You’ll Go” and he was asleep when we said good night. Of course then Benji jumped on the bed in an effort to wake him up but the little dude was well off to dreamland! So far everyone sleeping through the night and Kim and I even had time to watch the season finale of “Grey’s Anatomy”. Shocking about the ending there! Hope everyone sleeps until 10 AM like I normally like to sleep on Sundays.

1 comment:

Lulu Cannici said...

Wasn't Grey's ending shocking? Plus, Jordyn hit you in the face because you are not supposed to feed babies hot dogs -- they can choke on the skin. love, auntie

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